Name: Debbie Cobb
Location: Batesville, MS
Occupation: Massage Therapist and Medical Qigong Energy Worker
Did you practice any other spiritual/energetic philosophies or techniques before you encountered the Stillness-Movement System? If so, what were they?
I’ve always been a very Spiritual person with a profound relationship with God and Angelic Spirit beings. Since I was a small girl, I always knew there was more to Spirit than what I had ever been taught.
How did you hear of the Stillness-Movement System, and what prompted you to attend your first workshop with Michael Lomax? What was it like?
I met Michael in 1994. Before then, I was actually already doing moves and energy projection, I just didn’t know what it was called. But I knew it was real, and Spirit taught me what I knew. Ive always been a healer, always caring and taking care of folks on all levels — spiritual, physical and emotional. I went to my massage certification in Jackson, MS in 1994. There was this strange man out on the front lawn doing these strange movements, I said what the hell? But as I looked I could see what he was doing with the energy around him. “Hmmm,” I said. Well, the next thing I know, I met him in the elevator while I was going out to lunch. We exchanged brief “hellos” and then he said, “You have one of the biggest energy bodies I’ve seen around!” He gave me his card and said, “When you are ready [to learn Qigong], you can call me.” I did after 3 weeks of prayer and meditation.
How long have you been practicing the Stillness-Movement System?
I’ve been studying Qigong with Michael since 1994.
Describe an example of how Stillness-Movement System has impacted your life.
My encounter with Michael has confirmed so many things, especially a knowing of who and what I am today: a powerful being of light with a purpose to heal and to bring others towards the realization of who we all really are, a purpose and a destiny.
Do you use Clinical Qigong (Waiqi Liaofa / Taoist Neuro-energetic Therapy) to heal others? Describe some of your results.
I’ve being practicing Clinical Qigong and applying techniques in my massage practice with amazing results on all levels of healing: the physical, emotional, and spiritual levels where complete healing resides.
What’s a fun fact we should know about you?
The fun fact of my life is that I’m being allowed to wake up every day and to enjoy being truly alive; and helping others to realize the joy of living a real life beyond what we see every day.
Debbie Cobb is a Massage Therapist and Clinical Qigong healer. Though taking a hiatus from in-person healings, she’s still currently available for distance healings. You may contact her at: